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Modern Restaurant Kitchen

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الشركة الرائدة في مجال الأغذية والأغذية في قطر مستشار المشروبات

التخطيط للمطعم الكبير القادم في قطر؟

تحويل مشهد الأغذية والمشروبات في قطر من خلال استشارات خبراء الأغذية والمشروبات. ارفع أداء مطعمك وربحيته معنا. مستشارو الأغذية والمشروبات المتميزون في قطر. 

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مهمتنا هي تمكين المطاعم الطموحة في قطر من إطلاق مشاريع غذائية مربحة والحفاظ عليها | قم بإعداد مطعم

تلتزم شركة موريسون قطر بتعزيز أحلام رواد الأعمال الطموحين في مجال المطاعم في السوق القطري الديناميكي. مهمتنا بسيطة ولكنها مؤثرة: توفير الأدوات والخبرة والدعم اللازم لمساعدتهم على بدء وتشغيل أعمال غذائية مربحة بنجاح. بدءًا من المساعدة في إعداد المطاعم وحتى هندسة قوائم الطعام، نقدم إرشادات شاملة لضمان دخول قوي إلى السوق وتحقيق نمو مستدام.

نحن نتفهم تحديات وتعقيدات صناعة الأغذية ونلتزم بتوجيه ومساعدة عملائنا في كل خطوة من رحلتهم. بفضل ثروتنا من المعرفة والرؤى المحلية، تهدف موريسون قطر إلى أن تكون الشريك الموثوق به الذي يحول أحلام الطهي إلى حقائق مزدهرة ومستدامة، والمساهمة في الثقافة الغذائية الغنية والمتنوعة في قطر.

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الخدمات التي نقدمها


"Dive into the vibrant world of F&B with Morison Qatar as your guide! From jazzing up your brand's identity to shaking up the market with killer strategies, we're all about that gourmet success recipe. We are there for you!

Concept Design

From the moment customers step in, till their restroom pit stops - we make every moment count. We're serving up concepts! After a good mix of market analysis and a sprinkle of spontaneity, watch us plate up your unique market fit

Financial Modeling

At Morison Qatar, we blend commerce with culinary! Think of us as the gourmet chefs of the financial world, stirring in forecasts, kneading out projections, and garnishing your growth plans. Looking to cook up profits and sizzle in the Qatari F&B scene?

Brand Design

Just like a chef crafts a signature dish, we concoct a brand recipe unique to your F&B story. From spicy color palettes that tantalize Qatari tastes to logos zestier than a lime wedge, we're all about whipping up unforgettable F&B brands.

خدمات ما قبل الافتتاح

Concept Creation & Development 

Crafting innovative and appealing culinary ideas that resonate with the target audience's unique dining expectations.

Market Study

In-depth research & analysis to understand market trends, customer preferences, & competitive landscapes.

Location Scouting

Identifying prime real estate opportunities and strategic locations to maximize visibility and customer footfall.

Interior Design

Creating captivating and functional restaurant spaces that enhance the overall dining atmosphere.

Brand Identity

Developing a distinctive and memorable brand image that communicates the essence of your food establishment.

Kitchen Design

Efficient and ergonomic kitchen layouts that optimize workflow and food preparation processes.

Recruitment & Training

Assisting in the selection and training of skilled staff to deliver exceptional service and maintain operational excellence.

Menu Engineering 

Fine-tuning menu offerings to optimize profitability while meeting customer preferences and dietary trends.

دعم شامل للمشاريع الغذائية الجديدة، يشمل إنشاء المفهوم، وتحليل السوق، واستكشاف المواقع، والتصميم الداخلي، وتطوير هوية العلامة التجارية، وتصميم المطبخ، والتوظيف، والتدريب، وهندسة القائمة، لضمان الإطلاق الناجح.

الأسئلة المتداولة 

What is Mystery Shopping, and How Does it Work?

Mystery shopping involves discreetly evaluating various aspects of your restaurant, such as service quality, staff interactions, and overall customer experience. Our experienced mystery shoppers visit your establishment anonymously, providing objective insights.

Why Should I Choose Your Mystery Shopping Service?

We specialize in tailoring mystery shopping programs to meet your specific goals. Our services offer unbiased evaluations, valuable customer perception insights, and recommendations for enhancing operational efficiency.

How Do You Customize Evaluation Criteria?

We work closely with you to understand your unique requirements. The evaluation criteria are customized based on your goals, standards, and specific areas you want to focus on.

Can I See Sample Mystery Shopping Reports?

We provide anonymized sample reports that showcase the depth and detail of the insights our mystery shopping service delivers. Contact us to request sample reports tailored to your industry.

Is the Mystery Shopping Process Discreet?

Yes, the mystery shopping process is designed to be discreet. Our mystery shoppers seamlessly blend in with regular customers, ensuring an authentic evaluation of your restaurant's performance.

Can I Customize the Mystery Shopping Program for My Restaurant?

Yes, our mystery shopping programs are highly customizable. We work collaboratively with you to tailor the evaluation criteria, reporting formats, and focus areas to align with your restaurant's unique needs.

من نخدم

ما بعد الافتتاح


Operational Consulting

Expert guidance to enhance day-to-day restaurant operations, ensuring efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction.

Franchise Consulting

Strategic advice and support for businesses looking to expand through franchising, from business model development to franchisee selection and training.

F & B Audit

A comprehensive evaluation of food and beverage operations to identify areas for improvement in quality, cost control, and profitability.

المفاهيم التي عملنا عليها

Restaurant Bar

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أهلاً بك،البصيرة الطهي! نحن متحمسون لمعرفة المزيد عن تطلعاتك. يرجى ملء التفاصيل أدناه، ودعونا نبدأ في طهي بعض منهاسحر!

احصل على استشارة مجانية

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